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Hear And Play Piano Review

The market is full of products to help you learn to play an instrument, and for every good product, there are at least eight or nine poor products that will simply leave your wallet a little lighter and, well, not offer much else.

It can be hard to place a product in the good category, as there are many things most of us look for in a good product. However, it is a lot easier to place a product in the poor category if it’s simply full of gimmicks and audacious, yet unfulfilled, promises.

In this article, we will help you to decide which category the Hear and Play Piano system falls under; poor or good. This is the Hear and Play Piano review.

The Secrets to Playing Piano by Ear—that’s a pretty big bite to chew once it’s taken, and to take it as your mission statement is even harder to uphold. The Hear and Play Piano system is 300 page book with some “added bonus” ear training software. The first part that makes this product prone to a bit of skepticism is that in claims a major portion of its material is an “added bonus,” then claims to be saving you over four-hundred dollars.

Most manufacturers wouldn’t dare make such an outrageous claim. And in Hear and Play’s case, if not for its “added bonuses,” it wouldn’t be Hear and Play, because there would be nothing to hear—the only part that isn’t claimed as an “added bonus” is a book, and thus, the name in and of itself is either a complete gimmick and fallacy or the “added bonuses,” as we believe, are not actually bonuses but claims made in attempt to make bronze to look like gold.

Now, looking past the false claims, this product’s site is a simple glowing front to make you say, “wow, look, oohh, ahhh.” No self-respecting product needs to have a twelve page long scroll of claims and highlights and boldfaced type and circled amazingness; a product that can’t stand on its own two feet doesn’t have the merits to hold it up. Yet again, this is the case with Hear and Play.

It has been quite a long time since we have seen a product that offered so little and yet tried every trick in the book to try an amaze potential customers with everything but the facts. It is a shame, too, because Hear and Play is a good concept suffering from amateur marketing and a case of the “Wow the crowd and ignore the product” syndrome.

The creators of seemed to have spent all their funds on marketing and very little on the product itself, as it is very second-rate. Hear and Play use the customary “This product worked for me” past “customers,” and of course the first one you will see is a man with his little child, yet another attempt at making the product look family friendly and good for parents.

If you happen to be interested, feel free to do your own research, but as for us, we say pass on the Hear and Play system and go with either Learn And Master Piano or Piano System.