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Hear And Play Piano Review - Gospel Keys Series

Faith is a large part of life. If you are a musician, faith can be even more encompassing. Music and faith go hand in hand. If you have ever been in church, you have heard how hymns work with the sermon to create a full church service.

In some cases, singing is church, the two being synonymous and inseparable, depending on your faith and how you celebrate it. However, for as long as there has been faith, there have been people trying to make money off of others’ beliefs.

This doesn’t stop with just tee-shirts and other knick-knacks; music is in the same boat. If you want to learn how to play gospel music, you’ll need some materials. One of the programs aimed at this type of music which makes claims to teach you as well as train your ear is the Hear and Play Gospel Keys Series.

In this article, we’ll discuss whether or not the Hear and Play Gospel Keys Series is a legitimate product, or a great attempt at taking advantage of faith.

So what is the Hear and Play Gospel Keys Series? It is a system that, according to the creators, is supposed to teach you how to play the piano and train your ear, and is directly aimed at gospel music. Well, here’s our first impression; it’s a very good idea. Most companies avoid faith because it creates too much of a stir and is such a niche market. However, this doesn’t say much about the product—good ideas don’t always translate well.

Unfortunately, with Hear and Play Gospel Keys Series, this is definitely the case. Hear and Play Gospel Keys Series is aimed at people of faith, and as such, it focuses on a single branch of music. The problem is, the gimmicky way it is promoted. You can tell a lot about a product’s integrity by the way the creators choose to market it. Hear and Play Gospel Keys Series is marketed as an audio and visual and interactive program.

However, the “program” only consists of a single book. But that isn’t all you get. See, the makers of Hear and Play Gospel Keys Series promote more than half of the program as “added bonuses.” All of the audio and interactive equipment is claimed to be a bonus worth over four hundred dollars. However, if this is true and you are simply getting generous freebies, the name Hear and Play Gospel Keys Series is a farce, as you aren’t actually supposed to receive any of the free bonuses, which make up the hearing and playing portion of the program.

Now, you may think we get a little hung up on these falsities, but it’s for good reason; getting suckered into a purchase based on untrue claims is a terrible thing, and relying on these types of claims is a terrible business modus operandi.

All in all, you’ll have better luck with Learn and Master Piano, or another more well-known series that will give you the product in a straightforward for a straightforward price.